Overview and General Policy

Omni Fiber performs reasonable industry-standard network management functions to maintain the health and availability of the services we provide to customers. 

Omni Fiber does not in the regular course of business prefer, prioritize, filter, throttle, or limit any publicly available Internet site, service, or applicationHowever, Omni Fiber reserves the right to use generally accepted means to deliver consistent quality of service, to control abuse, to mitigate malware, viruses, or threats against our network, equipment, and customers, to enforce our terms of service, and to comply with legal requests or enforcement activities as required by law. 

Traffic Monitoring and Privacy

Omni Fiber monitors traffic, including source, destination, and protocol/port information, for purposes of capacity management, congestion avoidance, and mitigation of threats such as malware, viruses, and distributed denial of service attacks. Omni Fiber does not perform deep-packet inspection of subscriber traffic or participate in reselling of subscriber traffic data. Omni Fiber does not engage in the intercept or redirection of Internet or DNS traffic for advertising or other paid purposes. In limited circumstances, Omni Fiber may analyze data in customer traffic for purposes of determining if it is malicious in nature, violates our terms of service, in response to a specific threat against our network, or when required to do so by lawful request. 

Caps on Data Usage and Monitoring of Data Usage

All Omni Fiber broadband services include unlimited data. Omni Fiber does not implement a cap or limit on the amount of data a customer may consume. Per our terms of service, non-Business accounts are for the personal use of the customer and their immediate household only. Omni Fiber may monitor the amount and direction of data usage of customers and use this information as a factor (but not the sole factor) in determining if a non-Business account is in violation of our terms. 

Congestion Management

The Internet is a shared service connecting millions of separate networks owned by independent entities together. All bandwidth and capacity on the Internet are thus shared. Like other service providers, this includes sharing of bandwidth at various levels on our network 

Omni Fiber offers a variety of Internet access speed tiers which are configured at the customer’s broadband connection to our network. These speeds are the maximum access speeds possible on our network and are not guaranteed. Due to the shared nature of the Internet, Omni Fiber cannot guarantee any specific speed, capacity, bandwidth, reliability, or reachability to any specific site or application on the general Internet, as these factors are fundamentally outside our control. 

Omni Fiber maintains sufficient capacity on our network to avoid congestion and deliver advertised speeds up to, including, and above typical peak usage for any given day. However, congestion may arise during times of extreme unusual demand or due to a temporary service degradation/outage on our network. At such times, Omni Fiber cannot guarantee the availability of advertised speeds and may engage in reasonable interventions through rerouting, prioritization, throttling, or other traffic management tools to ensure the equitable availability and quality of all services delivered to our customers. Such interventions are immediately ended upon the resolution of the temporary condition. 


Omni Fiber does not provide a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for latency or jitter. For general Internet usage, Omni Fiber targets, but does not guarantee, a round-trip time (RTT or “ping time”) of less than 15 milliseconds from the customer to the nearest exit point of our network. Due to the shared nature of the Internet, Omni Fiber cannot offer any specific latency or ping time to any external site or application on the general Internet, as these factors are fundamentally outside our control. For more information, please see our Terms of Service. 


Omni Fiber is a neutral provider of Internet services. Omni Fiber does not sell or offer to sell prioritization on its network to any external provider of service. 

Additional Omni Fiber Products Delivered Over Our Broadband Services

Additional services sold by Omni Fiber, such as voice or TV services may be delivered over the customers Internet broadband connection. These services will share bandwidth with the customer’s regular Internet data service, and Omni Fiber may implement means to allocate or ensure quality delivery of these services over the shared connection. While these services are in use by the customer, advertised speeds available to the customer may be reduced by the amount of bandwidth these services require to operate. 

Omni Fiber takes reasonable means to manage the congestion, latency, jitter, and other factors on its network to ensure the quality of additional services purchased by our subscribers is maintained. Omni Fiber cannot guarantee the quality or reliability of any additional services purchased that are delivered to customers outside of our network (for example, Video Services accessed while the customer is outside their home and not on an Omni Fiber Internet connection). 

Private Services Connected Over Our Network

Omni Fiber offers services to businesses and enterprise customers for the delivery of private traffic between their own facilities across our network. Omni Fiber uses reasonable means to manage the congestion, latency, jitter, and other factors on its network to ensure the service level and quality of these services is maintained.

Traffic Filtering

Omni Fiber does not block any application or service generally available unless in response to a specific security threat to our network or customers or as required to do so by law. This does not, however, prevent external sites and entities on the Internet from blocking or preventing access to their services from our customers. Omni Fiber respects the right of external sites and services to deny service to their potential or actual customers. Omni Fiber will not assist a customer in evading a block, ban, throttle, or other access limitation implemented by an external provider of services that has been directed specifically at one of our customers. 

Omni Fiber does not currently block or filter any specific ports or protocols on our network for delivery to our customers by default. However, Omni Fiber reserves the right to change this policy to protect the general health and welfare of our network, our customers, and the Internet as a whole. This may include the default blocking specific ports, protocols, IP addresses, or other traffic attributes that in generally accepted industry determination are consistently and commonly abused for spam, malware, viruses, or other harmful content. This policy will remain updated with specific details of any general default blocking as implemented, including information for how exceptions may be obtained for legitimate usage if necessary. 

Omni Fiber engages in industry-standard filtering to prevent the spoofing of IP addresses from our network and engages in ad-hoc filtering to mitigate any non-legitimate uses of our network by customers or others per our Terms of Service. 

Device Compatibility

For Residential and non-Enterprise broadband customers, Omni Fiber provides, for no additional charge, a router/modem for customer access to our network. Omni Fiber does not actively prevent the use of a customer-provided router, modem, or other access device. However, Omni Fiber does not guarantee the compatibility of any specific router, modem, or other customer-provided device, and it is solely the responsibility of the customer to ensure their device is compatible with our network. Omni Fiber will not assist the customer in replacing any Omni Fiber-provided device with a customer-provided device and cannot provide configuration templates, help guides, or technical support service time to troubleshoot a customer-provided device that cannot access our network 

Any customer-provided device may not disrupt our network or any other customer or restrict our ability to manage our network effectively. The customer agrees to retain and replace upon demand any customer-provided equipment with the provided Omni Fiber equipment prior to any troubleshooting or service call, whether by phone or on site. Omni Fiber will not accept the premature return of its equipment because the customer has elected to provide their own and may deny a service call or levy a service charge if the reinstallation of Omni Fiber-provided equipment is refused during a request for repair. 

Any customer-provided device must be legally obtained and possessed by the customer and have a valid vendor-supplied burned-in MAC address. Devices with spoofed, virtual, randomly assigned, protocol (VRRP/HSRP/etc.), or “private scope” MAC addresses are not permitted to be connected to the Omni Fiber network. 

Omni Fiber reserves the right to deny or block any customer-provided equipment from being connected to our network for any reason without notice and without explanation. 

IP Address Management

Residential and non-Enterprise customers are provided with Dynamic IP addresses. These addresses are frequently rotated, and no customer is guaranteed any specific duration of use of any IP address. Omni Fiber may change the dynamic IP address provided to a customer at any time for any reason without notice. Omni Fiber offers static IP addresses for Business customers who require them. More information on these products is available Here. 

Location Services

Omni Fiber implements industry-standard RFC 8805 / RFC 9092 / RFC 9632 Geofeeds for all its IP addressing space. Our Geofeed is publicly available here: 


Omni Fiber does not publish uniquely identifiable IP location information of our customers to external parties, except where required by law (such as for emergency/E911 services). The above publicly available information is aggregated to the closest Zip Code for that range of IP addresses and is accurate only down to the immediate surrounding County or similar region. Omni Fiber provides this information as a courtesy and offers no warranty on the accuracy or usefulness of this information by external parties. 

Many Internet services and applications, such as Over-the-Top (OTT) Video and TV services, use IP geo-location data to filter or block service and content from specific regions or countries of the world. Omni Fiber strongly discourages these practices. These services maintain or purchase private databases of IPtoLocation information often obtained through subjective or dubious methods, and thus these databases can contain highly inaccurate or outofdate information. When inaccuracies arise, such external service providers will often direct their customers to Omni Fiber to resolve these inaccuracies. Omni Fiber, and other Inter Service Providers in general, do not have control over the geolocation information that external services assign to customers of their service or application. Internet Service Providers, including Omni Fiber, also typically have no means to intervene in a dispute over the inaccuracy of geo-location information between a customer and the service or content they are attempting to access. 

Customers experiencing inaccurate location data from any specific service or application are encouraged to dispute the inaccurate location data directly with the external provider of that service or application. Customers may direct the external service provider to the above Geofeed to obtain up-to-date and authoritative IP-to-Location information from Omni Fiber.  


Omni Fiber is selective when determining peering with other networks and will engage in peering relationships with other networks only where mutual business advantages exist. Networks interested in peering with Omni Fiber should consult the information provided in PeeringDB.